
Mo Buti offers affordable advice and advocacy to families of those with autism and all other disabilities and special needs . Providing guidance and support to navigate school district’s complex systems, she assists parents with every stage of the IEP process, ensuring that students receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Mo consults with families to determine specific educational solutions, services, and programs, as well as appropriate placements, to meet student’s individual needs to capitalize on their strengths. She works to further the individual’s educational, social-emotional and vocational goals to help realize maximum potential.
With over 34 years of experience, Mo is a practiced professional in the field of special education providing services and support to those with disabilities and their families. She served as Director of Program Development for Neumann Family Services, a leading service agency that integrates adults with intellectual developmental disabilities, autism and/or mental illness into the heart of the community to enrich their quality of life with choice and independence. Prior to Neumann, she managed autism programs and services for over 6,000 students as Director of Autism and Intellectual Disabilities at Chicago Public Schools. Mo’s additional experience also includes special education teacher, autism itinerant and special education administrator.
Mo Buti has served as an expert witness in dozens of due process cases advocating for both the school districts and parents allowing her to provide expert witness testimony if required. To improve education results and functional outcomes for students with disabilities, Mo participated in the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) monitoring process. Through this work she gained the skillset to ensure IEP compliance, provide IEP training to school district staff and spearheaded the redesign of multiple school district’s IEP systems.
Special Education Comprehensive Compliance & Improvement Monitoring
The education of students with disabilities is one of the most heavily regulated areas in the field of education. The laws, regulations, and policies establish enforceable standards and conditions for the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities. It is therefore vitally important that each school district adopt a data-driven approach to monitor its special education practices and ensure that the district focuses on improving results and outcomes for students with disabilities. I have successfully supported school districts with direct special education comprehensive compliance & improvement monitoring. I can assist your District reach it’s compliance targets by reviewing, monitoring and modeling improved special education best practices. After careful analysis, I would formulate a customized plan for your district’s specific needs. The analysis can include, but is not limited to, the following: IEP Reviews and Service Delivery Audits to ensure compliance with IDEA. Timeline Compliance Review. Continuum of Services and Process Review. Review the 70/30 class ratio and class size requirements. Parent and Staff Satisfaction Outreach- Create and collect data from surveys and interviews and compile into a findings report which highlights strengths and areas of focus with recommendations. Professional Development- Evaluate professional development present needs and future offerings.
Mo Buti possesses a M.Ed-BD, M.Ed-ADMIN, QIDP certification, Director of Special Education degree/certificate from Illinois and her Type 75 Administrator certification.
Mo is a dynamic, international speaker and well-respected authority on autism, intellectual disabilities, adult services, behavioral strategies, educational supports, and more. An active member in the special education community, including the Illinois State Autism Task Force and the Vizzle Advisory Board, Mo was the recipient of the 2012 Bobby Reyes Tribute Award from Esperanza for outstanding commitment and dedication to children and adults with developmental disabilities by an individual.
Please reach out to Mo to discuss your family’s, school, or agency needs.